Guiding Philosophy

Northview Rising empowers Northview residents to work together in creating and maintaining a vibrant, healthy, and more connected neighborhood for all. Created in response to community concerns and unaddressed needs, a small group of Northview residents came together in late December 2017 to consider a different vision for what Northview could be.

Northview sits in a somewhat geographically isolated part of Manhattan, Kansas and is considered the most disconnected and inaccessible area within the broader Manhattan community, with little city investment in transportation infrastructure. Nearly all of Northview residents reside within the floodplain of the Tuttle Creek Reservoir. As of 2017, Northview is home to over 9,000 diverse residents. Despite Northview being economically diverse, 15% of Northview residents are living below the poverty line. Most of Northview residents living close to the poverty line are also residents of color. As the only neighborhood organization within Northview, Northview Rising aims to cultivate trusted relationships with Northview residents and actively engage in discussions about matters that directly impact their daily lives. To move our vision of “a safe and healthy neighborhood where everyone knows their neighbor” forward, Northview Rising identified the guiding values and principles  of our collective work.


Our guiding values



We believe that everybody should have equal opportunity to live the healthiest life possible.


HEALTH and Well Being

Without health, what do we have? Health and well-being captures everything we care about, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.



Our neighborhood and community is strongest when it represents and celebrates our diversity.



We believe that we are stronger and healthier when we actively work together to amplify the voices that have historically been marginalized within our community.


Our Guiding Principles


Community organizing

Working together, in solidarity, for positive change that leads to real tangible improvements in people’s lives, gives people a sense of their own power, and prioritizes policy, systems, and environmental change.



Adhering to the principles of democracy to ensure that decisions and actions are representative, inclusive, equitable, and transparent.