Our Work


2018 Northview Block Party

Over 150 neighbors came to have fun, share food and conversation, and build community in our neighborhood (Mercury article here)


Living room huddles

Friends and neighbors came together on six different occasions across the neighborhood to build community and discuss concerns within the neighborhood.


Eisenhower Community Center Advocacy

Northview residents were persistent and successful in winning a multipurpose room and community kitchen in the new Eisenhower Community Center, slated for construction in 2020.


Leadership Workshop

Northview neighbors came together to build leadership skills for working in community and addressing neighborhood challenges.


Transportation Advocacy

Northview residents attended several Trail Talk meetings hosted by Parks and Rec to advocate for a more walkable, bikeable, and connected neighborhood.


Flu Clinic

The Riley County Health Department hosted a flu shot clinic in December of 2018 at the Vineyard Church, administering nearly 100 flu shots to Northview friends and neighbors.


Flood Response GatherinG

We organized a meeting between Riley County, the City of Manhattan, the Army Corps of Engineers, and Northview residents to share information and resources in preparation for potential flooding in Northview.


Neighborhood Socials


We organized social gatherings for friends and neighbors of Northview for a variety of different activities from sub-par bowling to museum art tours.

Beach Museum of Art

Friends and neighbors gathered for a night of fun and games at the Beach Museum of Art.

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People’s Forum

Working to improving the health of the Northview community through systems/policy change, NVR members and other Northview residents collaboratively planned the People’s Forum and engaged city commission candidates in a specific policy ask that, if approved, would give Manhattan residents direct control over a portion of discretionary funds for projects that we deem a priority.

The NVR City Commission policy ask addressed at the People’s Forum is as follows:

Will you [City Commission candidate] support participatory budgeting, will you commit to implementing it in an equitable manner, and will you introduce the concept in a work session meeting within 100 days in office?

To learn more about Participatory Budgeting, check out the video below!